

The Learning Path

Vetted content and ready-to-go activities in every MindTap course save you the time and frustration of building your course from scratch. Looking to customize your course and make it more you? Move activities around, add content and delete what you don’t need with ease. It’s your course, stay in control of it!

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“They're coming in and telling me how great they did on their assignment, pretest, and Aplia assignment. When they tell me and I see the excitement, we're doing it right. This is working.”

- Jesse Esparza, Texas Southern University

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The MindTap Reader

Communication is key to driving student preparation. Easily embed videos into the Reader and share your highlights and notes with students to outline important areas for the test. The result? Students who know just where to focus their study time.

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“One of the most important things I've seen so far is the ability to customize the course to bring in my own content, to bring in websites, to bring in YouTube videos. You can't do that in a print textbook.”

- Donna Donald, Liberty University

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Progress App

Instantly identify and communicate with struggling students and pinpoint the topics troubling your entire class. Twelve distinct metrics give you actionable insights into student engagement, helping you accelerate their progress.

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Cengage Mobile App

The free Cengage Mobile App isn’t just for students! Use the Attendance feature to find out who’s present, enable geolocation to curb cheating and create a poll to fuel student interaction and engagement.

Download on the App StoreGet it on Google Play

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Show Proof of Learning with Pathbrite Portfolios

Pathbrite From Cengage

Learning is more than just grades, so Pathbrite enables students to collect images, videos, documents and other evidence of acquired skills into a portfolio that showcases their achievements beyond their GPA. Now available through the ePortfolio app in MindTap.



The MindTap dashboard makes forgotten due dates a thing of the past by ensuring current and upcoming assignments appear front and center at log in. An at-a-glance view of individual performance shows students how they’re doing at all times, while the green dot keeps them motivated and progressing.

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The MindTap Reader

Highlight key text, add notes and create custom flashcards. When it’s time to study, everything that has been flagged or noted can be gathered into a guide. The Readspeaker feature reads text aloud to students, so they can learn on the go, wherever they are.

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Serving as the central spot for student study tools, StudyHub tracks student notes, highlights and bookmarks as well as those from the instructor—keeping everything in one spot. Students can also create personalized study guides to help them ace their next test.

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Cengage Mobile App

Students can read and practice anywhere, anytime with the Cengage Mobile App. They can access the full ebook online or offline, have the text read aloud to them, set reminders, study flashcards, take practice quizzes and view grades.

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Download the Cengage Mobile app

Download on the App StoreGet it on Google Play