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Please check with your instructor, your MindTap may be available exclusively through your campus LMS
(BlackBoard, Moodle, Canvas)




Australian Catholic University

PSYC214 - Learning And Behaviour

MindTap Psychology for Domjan's The Principles of Learning and Behavior, 7th Edition
1 term (6 months) Instant Access


Avondale College - Cooranbong

CNSL31100 and CNSL41130

MindTap Helping Professions for Corey/Corey/Corey's Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions
1 term (6 months) Instant Access


Australian College of Applied Psychology - VPG

COUN2221 Counselling Skills Training 2

MindTap Counseling for Egan/Owen/Reese's The Skilled Helper: A Problem-Management and Opportunity-Development Approach to Helping
1 term (6 months) Instant Access


Australian Maritime College

JNB252 Analytical Methods for Decision-Making

MindTap for Selvanathan's Business Statistics: Australia New Zealand
2-term Instant Access


Australian National University

FREN1004 - Introductory French II

MindTap French for Manley/Smith/McMinn-Reyna/Prevost’s Horizons, Student Edition: Introductory French
4 terms (24 months) Instant Access



Canberra Institute of Technology Fyshwick

Cert III in Electrotechnology (Refrigeration)

MindTap for Phillips' Electrical Principles
6-term Instant Access


Central Queensland University

COIT20267 Computer Forensics

MindTap for Nelson/Phillips/Steuart's Guide to Computer Forensics and Investigations
2 terms Instant Access


ECON20039 Economics for Business

MindTap for Layton/Robinson/Tucker’s Economics for Today
2-term Instant Access


HRMT20024 Managing Human Resources

MindTap for Nankervis' Human Resource Management
2-term Instant Access


Charles Darwin University - Casuarina

ENV103 Environmental Issues

MindTap for Miller/Spoolman's Living in the Environment
1 term Instant Access


Charles Sturt University

HRM330 - Strategic Human Resource Management

MindTap Management for Mello's Strategic Human Resource Management
1 term (6 months) Instant Access


MGT100 - Organisations & Management



MKT110 - Marketing Principles

MKTG4 Paperback + MindTap


PSY208 - Biopsychology

MindTap Psychology for Kalat's Biological Psychology
1 term (6 months) Instant Access



Deakin University - Burwood

HPS308 Psychopathology

MindTap Psychology Enhanced for Barlow/Durand/Hofmann's Abnormal Psychology: An Integrative Approach
1 term (6 months) Instant Access


Dynamic Learning Services Pty Ltd

Diploma of Leadership and Management

MindTap for Cole's Leadership and Management: Theory & Practice
2-term Instant Access



Federation University - Gippsland


MindTap for Bernstein's Psychology, AU/NZ edition
2-term Instant Access


Flinders International Study Centre - FISC

DML101 Molecules and Life

MindTapV2.0 for Starr/Evers/Starr's Biology Today and Tomorrow with Physiology
1 term Instant Access


Flinders University

SPAN1201/1202 Introductory Spanish Part 1/2

MindTap Spanish for Hershberger/Navey-Davis/Guiomarr’s Plazas, Enhanced
4 terms (24 months) Printed Access Card



Griffith University - Nathan

3112IBA Management Strategy and Decision Making (N+ GC)

MindTap for Hitt/Ireland/Hoskisson's Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalization
1 term Instant Access



James Cook University

BU1108 Marketing Matters

MindTap for Pride/Lukas’s Marketing Principles Asia-Pacific
2-term Instant Access


BX3082 International Marketing

MindTap for Czinkota’s International Marketing Asia-Pacific edition
2-term Instant Access



La Trobe University

MGT1FOM Foundations of Management

MindTap for Samson's Management
2-term Instant Access



Macquarie University

BUSA2020 - Fundamentals Of Business Analytics

MindTap Business Analytics for Camm/Cochran/Fry/Ohlmann/Anderson/Sweeney/Williams' Business Analytics
2 terms (12 months) Instant Access


MKTG2002 - Marketing Research

MindTap for Babin/Zikmund's Marketing Research
2-term Instant Access


Massey University

125-740 Advanced Investment Analysis

MindTap for Wooldridge's Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach
1 term Instant Access


156.338 International Marketing

MindTap for Czinkota’s International Marketing Asia-Pacific edition
2-term Instant Access


175.206 Memory and Cognition

Value Pack: Cognitive Psychology : Connecting Mind, Research, and Everyday Experience 5e + MindTap for Goldstein's Cognitive Psychology 5e


156.334 Marketing Consultancy Project

MindTap for Reed/Baird's Strategic Marketing: Decision-Making and Planning
up to 2 terms Instant Access


Monash University

MKX5371 Business Marketing

MindTap Marketing for Hutt/Speh's Business Marketing Management B2B
1 term (6 months) Instant Access


MKF3531 International Marketing

MindTap for Czinkota’s International Marketing Asia-Pacific edition
2-term Instant Access


PSY3190 Addiction Studies

MindTap Counseling for Doweiko's Concepts of Chemical Dependency
1 term (6 months) Instant Access


PSY3120 Introduction to Counselling

Bundle: Bundle: Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy + MindTap® Counseling for Corey's Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy, 10th
1 term (6 months) Printed Access Card



MindTap for Whitney/Crowe's Understanding Nutrition
2-term Instant Access


EDF5532 - Ethics for counsellors

MindTap Helping Professions for Corey/Corey/Corey's Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions
1 term (6 months) Instant Access


MGB3249 Events and Project Management

MindTap Decision Sciences for Kloppenborg/Anantatmula/Wells' Contemporary Project Management
1 term (6 months) Instant Access


Murdoch University

BUS370 Cross Cultural Marketing

MindTap for Czinkota’s International Marketing Asia-Pacific edition
2-term Instant Access



Queensland University of Technology - Brisbane

AMN431 Marketing Internationally

MindTap for Czinkota’s International Marketing Asia-Pacific edition
2-term Instant Access




BIOL2336 (OUA SP4) Animal Structure and Function

MindTap Biology for Starr/Taggart/Evers/Starr's Biology: The Unity and Diversity of Life
2 terms (12 months) Instant Access


ENVI1142 Life on Earth

MindTap Biology for Starr/Taggart/Evers/Starr's Biology: The Unity and Diversity of Life
2 terms (12 months) Instant Access


BIOL2258 Animal Structure and Function BIOL2258 (Semester 2 HE)

MindTap Biology for Starr/Taggart/Evers/Starr's Biology: The Unity and Diversity of Life
2 terms (12 months) Instant Access


ONPS1118 Nutrition Principles

MindTap for Whitney/Crowe's Understanding Nutrition
2-term Instant Access



Southern Cross University - Coffs Harbour

BHS30004 Biological Psychology

Value Pack: Biological Psychology 13e + MindTap for Kalat's Biological Psychology 13e
1-term access


BHS11002 Introduction to Psychology 2

Value Pack: Psychology AU/NZ 2e with Online Study Tools + MindTap for Bernstein's Psychology
2-term access


Southern Cross University - Gold Coast

BHS1102 Introduction to Psychology

MindTap for Bernstein's Psychology, AU/NZ edition
2-term Instant Access


Southern Cross University - Lismore

MKT00075 - MARKETING PRINCIPLES (and: MKT001505 -marketing principles)



Swinburne University of Technology - Hawthorn


MindTap for Bernstein's Psychology, AU/NZ edition
2-term Instant Access


STA20006 Analysis of Variance and Regression (Hawthorn On Campus)

MindTap for Gravetter/Wallnau's Statistics for The Behavioral Sciences
4-term Instant Access


STA10003 Foundations of Statistics (Hawthorn Campus)

MindTap for Gravetter/Wallnau's Statistics for The Behavioral Sciences
4-term Instant Access


MKT10007 (On Campus)Fundamentals of Marketing



MGT10001 - Intro to Management

MindTap for Williams/McWilliams' MGMT4
2-term Instant Access




Cert III in Auto Body Repair Technology/Auto Refinishing Technology

MindTap Automotive for Thomas/Jund's Collision Repair and Refinishing: A Foundation Course for Technicians
4 terms (24 months) Instant Access



AUR30805 Certificate III in Automotive Vehicle Body

MindTap Automotive for Thomas/Jund's Collision Repair and Refinishing: A Foundation Course for Technicians, 3rd
4 terms (24 months) Printed Access Card


The University of Sydney - Sydney

QBUS5001 Quantitative Methods for Business

MindTap for Selvanathan's Business Statistics: Australia New Zealand
2-term Instant Access


MECO6927 Organisational Communication

MindTap Communication for Miller’s Organizational Communication: Approaches and Processes, Enhanced 7th Edition
1 term (6 months) Instant Access



University of Adelaide - North Terrace

FREN 1002/1003 Beginners' French 1A/B

MindTap for Jansma/Kassen/Denié-Higney's Atelier
4 terms Instant Access


ECON 1008 Data Analytics 1

MindTap for Selvanathan's Business Statistics: Australia New Zealand
2-term Instant Access


MARKETNG 1001 Introduction to Marketing

MKTG4 Paperback + MindTap


University of Canberra

11009 - Business Decision Making

MindTap for Cunningham's Accounting: Information for Business Decisions
2-term Instant Access


11191 - Human Capital Management

MindTap for Nankervis' Human Resource Management
2-term Instant Access


11421 Strategic Marketing

MindTap for Reed/Baird's Strategic Marketing: Decision-Making and Planning
up to 2 terms Instant Access


University of Melbourne - Parkville

ITAL10005 Italian 2

MindTap for Melucci/Tognozzi's Piazza, Student Edition: Introductory Italian
4 terms Instant Access


SPAN10002 Spanish 2

MindTap for Blitt/Casas' Exploraciones
4 terms Instant Access


NUTR20001 Food Nutrition and Health

MindTap for Whitney/Crowe's Understanding Nutrition
2-term Instant Access


University of New South Wales - Kensington

PSYC5001 S3C2020 Introduction to Psychology

MindTap for Bernstein's Psychology, AU/NZ edition
2-term Instant Access


PSYC5005 Behavioural Neuroscience

MindTap Psychology for Kalat's Biological Psychology, 13th
1 term (6 months) Printed Access Card


University of Newcastle

FSHN2010. Essential Nutrients

MindTap for Whitney's Understanding Nutrition


MNGT1001 - Introduction to Management

MindTap for Griffin/Phillips/Gully's Organizational Behavior: Managing People and Organizations
1 term Instant Access


HLSC 1200 Nutrition4Me

MindTap Nutrition for Brown's Understanding Food: Principles and Preparation
1 term (6 months) Instant Access


University of Notre Dame

PSYC3330 abnormal psychology

MindTap Psychology Enhanced for Barlow/Durand/Hofmann's Abnormal Psychology: An Integrative Approach
1 term (6 months) Instant Access


COUN1004 Counselling Skills

MindTap Counseling for Egan/Owen/Reese's The Skilled Helper: A Problem-Management and Opportunity-Development Approach to Helping
1 term (6 months) Instant Access


University of Otago - Dunedin

SPAN 231/232 Intermediate Spanish

MindTap for Blitt/Casas/Copple's Exploraciones curso intermedio
4 Terms Instant Access


University of Queensland - St Lucia

CIVL2131 Fluid Mechanics

MindTap Engineering for Potter/Wiggert/Ramadan's Mechanics of Fluids, SI Edition
2 terms (12 months) Instant Access



MindTap Counseling for Corey's Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy
1 term (6 months) Instant Access


University of South Australia

BUSS 5034 International Business Strategy

MindTap Management for Peng's Global Strategy, 4th
1 term (6 months) Printed Access Card


BUSS 2046 Organisational Behaviour

MindTap Management for Griffin/Phillips/Gully's Organizational Behavior: Managing People and Organizations
1 term (6 months) Instant Access


University of Southern Queensland - Toowoomba

MKT3007 Marketing Strategy

MindTap Marketing Strategy for Ferrell/Hartline's Marketing Strategy
1 term (6 months) Instant Access


EDU8333 Advanced Counselling in Educational Contexts

Bundle: Bundle: Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy + MindTap® Counseling for Corey's Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy, 10th
1 term (6 months) Printed Access Card


NURS 5160 Skills for Recovery Practice in Mental Health Nursing

MindTapV2.0 for Jacobs/Schimmel/Masson/Harvill's Group Counseling
1 term Instant Access


HLTH 5151 Skills for Recovery Practice in Mental Health

MindTapV2.0 for Jacobs/Schimmel/Masson/Harvill’s Group Counseling


LANG 1024/1025 French 2A/2B

MindTap for Wong/Weber-Feve/Lair/Vanpatten's Encore Intermediate French, Student Edition: Niveau intermediaire
4 terms Instant Access


University of Technology Sydney

23115 - Economics for Business1

MindTap for Gans/Mankiw's Principles of Economics
2-term Instant Access


16633 - Microeconomics for Property

MindTap for Layton/Robinson/Tucker’s Economics for Today
2-term Instant Access


23000 Principles of Microeconomics

MindTap for Gans/Mankiw's Principles of Microeconomics
2-term Instant Access


21811 Global Strategic Management

MindTap Management for Peng's Global Strategy
1 term (6 months) Instant Access


16072 - Industry economics PG

MindTap Economics for Froeb/McCann/Ward/Shor's Managerial Economics
1 term (6 months) Instant Access


University of the Sunshine Coast

PSY301 Cognitive and Perceptual Psychology

MindTap Psychology for Goldstein's Cognitive Psychology: Connecting Mind, Research, and Everyday Experience
1 term (6 months) Instant Access


ATMC - BUS108 Introduction to Informatics

MindTap MIS for Stair/Reynolds' Fundamentals of Information Systems
1 term (6 months) Instant Access


BUS320 Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility

MindTap Management for Carroll/Brown/Buchholtz's Business & Society: Ethics, Sustainability & Stakeholder Management
1 term (6 months) Instant Access


BUS108 Introduction to Informatics

MindTap MIS for Stair/Reynolds' Fundamentals of Information Systems
1 term (6 months) Instant Access



MindTap Earth Science for Ahrens/Henson's Meteorology Today: An Introduction to Weather, Climate and the Environment
1 term (6 months) Instant Access


MGT704 Global Business Management

MindTap Management for Peng's Global Strategy, 4th
1 term (6 months) Printed Access Card


MGT704 Global Business Management (ATMC)

MindTap Management or Peng's Global Strategy
1 term (6 months) Instant Access


ATMC - BUS320 Corporate Governance and Social Responsiblity

MindTap Management for Carroll/Brown/Buchholtz's Business & Society: Ethics, Sustainability & Stakeholder Management
1 term (6 months) Instant Access


University of Western Australia

MKTG3301 Marketing Application

(with MindTap 1 term Printed Access Card)


University of Wollongong

MGNT110 - Introduction to Management

MindTap for Samson's Fundamentals of Management
2-term Instant Access



Victoria University - Wellington NZ

IBUS 305 Dynamic Strategy and Structures in International Business

MindTap Management for Peng's Global Strategy
1 term (6 months) Instant Access



Western Sydney University - Parramatta


MindTap for Czinkota’s International Marketing Asia-Pacific edition
2-term Instant Access


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